Friday, March 27, 2009

Winners ARE grinners!

No photos to share this post. I am working on something 'TOP SECRET’ ok.. not really. I am working on my A to Z album for Purple Scraps, so that has been keeping me busy, and what I have done so far I can’t show you :P :P I have some awesome news from the CC, I won for the card challenge. YAY! Thank you so much to Chelle, she is a demonstrator for Stampin’up so if you need anything, buy from her! Scramin’up. The Lo’s are still up for voting, so if you are a member go vote for the LO’s you love!! While you’re at it stop and say g’day..

I won a RAK from the lovely Marnie for my card that I did for her first challenge on Boot Camp Our Way the second challenge is up and almost over, so why not take a look and get ready for challenge three.. Unless your superwoman and you can get the challenge done in 2 days.. DARE YA!
Also my mother won, so double thanks Marnie! Can’t wait for the pressie.
Now as a coincidence, Marnie was the only person to comment on my last post, so a RAK is going out to you m’dear! I am thinking bling, or how about returning the book you lent me a million years ago… which I just re-found for the 7th time… Anyhow start stalking that postie ;)

Thanks for reading, and remember you never know what may happen if you leave a comment!

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